
Born in Arizona and raised in Texas and loving the life I have. I started photography and fell in love with making lasting memories for my clients to enjoy. I'm currently  living in the Cleveland area with my husband, my wild and free spirited three year old little girl, and my newborn baby girl. I love a good day out, but prefer to snuggle up in bed with my family and watch our shows together. I am a Taurus and always see the good in everything and will do anything to make sure everyone is loved and cared for.

Hey Y'all!
I'm Destiny, the face behind Destiny Roth Photography. I am the girl who is addicted to sweet tea, a big time foody, and obsessed with finding a good deal. I am a proud momma to two beautiful little girls and have the most supportive husband anyone could ask for.

and started capturing the sweetest moments in my life.

That’s when I picked up my camera

I wanted to capture every aspect of my daughter's life so I picked up my camera and dove in to this incredible career and never looked back. One second you are finding out you are having a little bundle of joy and the next thing you know they are running around the yard and enjoying life. This is why I make sure to document everything so that I will be able to remember these moments that we wish we could have back. 

I soon discovered Storytelling and Boudoir photography and I strongly believe I have found my calling and where I belong. Telling the stories of motherhood and embracing ourselves is what truly speaks to me. Being able to show others how beautiful they are and to help their confidence transform is the best gift I could give to anyone.